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Drug & Alcohol Testimonials

(White Rock, BC)​

"This is wonderful, and yes a miracle.  I would never have believed it would make stop drinking so simple. 
I never think about alcohol at all.  It has made such a positive change to my life."

Deb  (White Rock, BC)​

"I have done crystal meth for 6 years on a daily basis. 
I have tried to quit on several occasions, the longest being 12 months when I got pregnant with my 2nd child...2 months after my son was born I relapsed.  This went on for another 2 years and I almost lost my family because of it.  On January 10, 2006 I went  in (to Imagine Laserworks) for the 1st of 6 treatments.  I went home and to my surprise I had no more cravings or withdrawals and at 45 days clean today.  You have truly made a difference in my life...Thank You so much."

(White Rock, BC)​

"I just wanted to say thank you.  It's been a year and a month now since I stopped drinking.  I look forward to many more years sober.  I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for your service.  Thank you so much."

More Drug & Alcohol Testimonials

Alcohol  Testimonial - Debbie

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Alcohol  Testimonial - Rachael

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Drug & Alcohol  Testimonial - Ken: Nanaimo Drug and Alcohol Pilot Project

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Drug Testimonial (Crystal Meth) - Deb

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Drug Testimonial (Cocaine) - Jessica

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Drug Testimonial (Crack Cocaine) - Anonymous

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